A reflection, again

I often regret not to go to the park before 4:45pm, just because it’s such a serene place to be, with the water body lying on top of a running river, and so much natural green that I felt healing and at peace. I think I should go. Today I have been sitting around andContinueContinue reading “A reflection, again”

Failing, but on soft bed

I haven’t told anyone that I have failed my first N2 level of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) just yet, except two or three close friends of mine. I know I don’t owe the world an explanation of why I failed, yet I felt that I wanted to talk to you about how I failed,ContinueContinue reading “Failing, but on soft bed”

Why you can’t ever finish anything?

It’s time to break this procrastinating mindset. Not to mention that we are constantly distracted and interrupted every second, we often procrastinate on finishing tasks because of other various reasons. When you’re working on something without a clear deadline, seeing it through to its end can be a huge challenge. Fear of failure Fear ofContinueContinue reading “Why you can’t ever finish anything?”

Should we focus more on the process than the result?

I think some of my friends share with me the ethical points of view, to see things as its result rather than the process of achieving it, and the other to see the process of arriving at the result is more important than the result itself. For me, I think I relate to the latterContinueContinue reading “Should we focus more on the process than the result?”

A blue puddle of unrequited love

Dragging her legs to the bathroom, she dropped herself onto the floor. Her head has never been heavier. Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash She was about to scream for help, yet the thin layer between the bathroom door and the hall was going to everybody knows about her insecurity. Felt destructive, she cried, for the third timeContinueContinue reading “A blue puddle of unrequited love”