What it is like to join the Champion League of Chess

In June 2022, in the midst of the busiest time of the year both professionally and academically, I joined the Champion League on Chess.com on a whim. Here is the journey of how I got there.

Something I found out about Japanese yen

I’m still amazed of how far I would go to dig in a certain topic. Knowledge and information are an exciting jungle to explore. I was wondering whether Japan would suffer from a currency crisis any time soon, as I have seen continuous dip in value against other currencies in the recent days. What isContinueContinue reading “Something I found out about Japanese yen”

Self Worth

I could again, write so much about this topic. It’s just a little big triggering that I went on Netflix for a moment of procrastination (it sucks that I did, I should loathe myself for it, but I don’t) and watched a :30-second-trailer of the digital drama Followers. From what the casts were saying, IContinueContinue reading “Self Worth”

Tokyo night train ride and the No.1 rule

Tozai line has always been packed with people, and unsurprisingly it was always neat and quiet, regardless of how many peeps you were being squeezed in between. But tonight is different. There are only a few scattered around on the two parallel aisles of the car. There are vibes of wine and smoke, and menContinueContinue reading “Tokyo night train ride and the No.1 rule”